Inspired tagged me and I actually had a moment to breathe this morning so I decided to play along. I never imagined it would be that hard to answer in three words only.
01. Where is your cell phone? In my car.
02. Boyfriend/girlfriend? Nine years.
03. Hair? Way too thick.
04. Your mother? Dances with dog.
05. Your father? Wrote a book.
06. Your favorite item(s)? My wedding ring.
07. Your dream last night? Don’t remember.
08. Your favorite drink? Diet Coke.
09. Your dream guy/girl? Married her.
10. The room you are in? Teeny tiny office.
11. Your fear? Getting in trouble.
12. What do you want to be in 10 years? Successful, thinner, happy.
13. Who did you hang out with last night? Friends.
14. What are you not? Wanting to work.
15. Are you in love? Very much so.
16. One of your wish list items? Country cottage.
17. What time is it? Three After Nine.
18. The last thing you did? Called my boss.
19. What are you wearing? Work clothes. Ugh.
20. Your favorite book? Too many. Wildfire?
21. The last thing you ate? Gouda orzo.
22. Your life? Work to play.
23. Your mood? Ever changing.
24. Your friends? Funny, caring, supportive.
25. What are you thinking about right now? Going home.
26. Your car? Cups, Cans, Paper.
27. What are you doing at this moment? On hold.
28. Your summer? Cows, farmer tan.
29. Your relationship status? Told you. Married.
30. What is on your TV screen? Ask the dog.
31. When is the last time you laughed? Last night.
32. Last time you cried? Saturday morning.
33. School? Miss Spring Break.